07766 306310 or 01273 448110 or 077897 12314 info@mediabrighton.com
Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising Campaign

If you have a business, product or service you need to raise money for, then you’ll need a fundraising video for pitching the idea online. Not only will the video get your idea across in a concise and captivating way but it will also show your enthusiasm for...
Kickstarter Product Demo

Kickstarter Product Demo

Raising money for a product can be tricky but now with Kickstarter online fund raising has boomed. Video can help to show your product off at it’s best captivating your audience and help convert them from view to investor. Check out this video from our...
The Power To Transform

The Power To Transform

Video is essential for a well-rounded marketing plan. You can communicate to potential customers and investors what you’ve done, what you’re doing, what the future holds and what your values are. This video for Dotmailer was used to communicate their...